Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma
We have various ways of treating BCC, almost every basal cell carcinoma can be cured, and treatments are highly effective when the cancer is diagnosed and treated early. This is why you need to contact us when you notice unusual changes in your skin.
Some of the methods used in treating basal cell carcinoma are:
- Pills
In rare cases where BCC spreads to other parts of the body, sonidegib or vismodegib are prescribed to patients. These drugs are also prescribed for patients with advanced BCC that cannot be treated with radiation or cut out.
- Medicated Creams
Medicated creams containing drugs such as 5-fluorouracil or imiquimod are used to treat early BCC. This cream should be applied at home as directed by our dermatologist in London.
- Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
In this method of treatment, light is used to remove early cancers of the skin; this is a two-step process. In the first process, a chemical is applied to the skin and left for some time so that it can be well-absorbed. Then in the second process, a special light is shone at the skin to kill the cancer cells.
- Radiation
This treatment is used usually in cases where the BCC cannot be cut out or when surgery might not be the best option. The patient might require 15 to 30 radiation treatment.
- Cryosurgery
This treatment involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the cancer cells. It can also cause death to the cancer cells.
- Mohs Surgery
This method is named after the doctor, who developed this surgical procedure. This treatment removes the skin cancer, and it has the highest cure rates for basal cell carcinoma that are difficult to treat.
The experts at our dermatologist in Harley street London will tell you if this treatment is right for you. If this surgical procedure is proper and recommended for you, the surgeon will cut out the tumour and a tiny amount of normal skin that surrounds the tumour.
The surgeon will look at this skin under a microscope while you are waiting. This helps him check for cancer cells. The surgeon will continue to remove a small amount of skin and look at it with the help of a microscope until he can no longer find the trace of cancer cells.
- Curettage and electrodesiccation
This method also comprises of two steps; the dermatologist will scrape away the tumour and then the remaining cancer cells are destroyed with electricity.
- Excision
This is a surgical procedure that can be performed in our office. Our dermatologist Harley street London will numb the affected area and cut it off along with some healthy skin surrounding the tumour.
Our dermatologist in London examines the removed skin under the microscope, just like skin biopsy to see if the normal-looking cells are free of skin cancer.
Normal looking cells will be removed if they are not free of cancer. This is one of the standard methods used in treating BCC.
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