Symptoms of melanoma
Melanoma has been known not to have any common symptoms for some people. Generally, most people think that pain is a common symptom for almost any medical problem. For melanoma, some people don’t experience any form of discomfort or pain. It can occur on any part of the skin, scalp or even under a nail. Nevertheless, sometimes there can be reports of pain, bleeding or itching.
It takes a well experienced dermatologist to notice and properly identify the signs of melanoma. Although a physician can do it as well, melanoma being a skin disease will be properly handled by a dermatologist.
This is why at Clearskin London, we take a gradual process to handpick some of the best dermatologists London to ensure effective treatment. Once you notice a change in the normal appearance of your skin such as spot, lesions or even a change in the appearance of a mole, do not hesitate to seek help from us.
Skin examinations for melanoma?
We at Clearskin London encourage people to perform skin examinations on themselves. This way, they can notice easily when there is a problem with their bodies. Although melanoma is a serious skin cancer, it can still be treated with early detection. There are simple basic skin examinations you can conduct yourself before going to any dermatology clinic.
During self-examination, you can look out for the following;
- Band of darker skin surrounding a fingernail or a toenail
- Different look of an existing mole
- Patch or spot on the skin that doesn’t seem normal
- A patch of thick skin that resembles a scar and slowly grows.
What to look out for
There are warning signs that you should look out for when engaging in a skin examination. They are called the ABCDEs of melanoma. They are
- A – Asymmetry
When examining your body, If there is a mole or spot, check to find out if the mole or spot is even. If there is a situation whereby the mole is looking different on one part, it could be a red flag.
- B – Border
An irregular shape or outline of the edge or border of a mole or patch could be a warning sign
- C – Colour
Shades of tan, black, white, red, blue or brown on spots and moles should be properly examined by a dermatologist London.
- D – Diameter
The diameter of melanoma is usually greater than 6mm. This is above the size of a normal mole or patch.
- E – Evolving
When you notice a mole or spot that changes colour, size or shape from time to time. It is not usually a good sign, and you should see a dermatologist as soon as possible.
If you notice any or more of the above signs, contact our dermatologist immediately. Clear skin London has one of the best team of professional dermatologists Harley street London that will examine your skin and confirm whether or not you have melanoma.