An Overview
What is Nummular Dermatitis?
Nummular Dermatitis is a skin problem marked by the appearance of oval or coin-shaped sores on the skin. The disease is often called nummular eczema and discoid eczema.
Nummular dermatitis appears on the skin usually after an injury to the outer skin; examples could be from burns, an insect bite, or an abrasion caused by a hard contact with a rough surface. A person who has nummular dermatitis may see signs of one or more patches appear on the skin. Patches from this skin condition can last for weeks or months, and sometimes even longer. Make an appointment with our Dermatology clinic London today if you begin to show any of these signs or call 020 71833648 to reach out to us.
Nummular dermatitis is more common in men than in women. Most women find the first sign of patches during the youthful years of a teenager or a young adult. While for men, it comes between the ages of 55 and 65. You can learn more if you visit ClearSkin clinic London. You can also call 020 71833648 to book an appointment.