There are specific types of fungi that cause ringworm. These specific fungi thrive in a warm and humid environment. Ringworm is more common in tropical areas. It is also common during hot days. It thrives well in warm, moist locker rooms as well as indoor pools. This is because it is highly contagious.
Ringworm can be gotten from:
- Skin-to-skin contact with an infected someone.
- Having contact with an animal like a dog, cat, or farm animal which is infected with ringworm
- Touching an infected soil
- Making use of an infected object such as a phone, comb, or towel
You are at a higher risk of having ringworm if you:
- Reside in a tropical area
- Stay in hot, humid weather for so long
- Always sweat profusely
- Participate in contact sports activities such as wrestling and football.
- Reside in a dense population environment such as in the military housing
- Sharing personal items such as towels, razors, clothes, and other personal items without disinfecting or washing them.
- Are overweight
- Have diabetes mellitus
- Wear clothing that clings so much on your skin
- Frequently use a public locker room or pool.
- Don’t wash & dry your feet well before putting on your shoes & socks.
HIV does not increase your chances of getting the ringworm infection. It can only get difficult to treat and get rid of.
Athletes are susceptible to get ringworm solely because their bodies often get sweaty and may have close skin-to-skin contact with other athletes. Athlete’s foot and jock itch are the most common types of ringworm in athletes.
However, anyone who always has damp and sweaty feet can develop athlete’s foot. Profuse sweating in the groin area can also lead to jock itch.