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Nappy-Rash Nappy-Rash

Nappy Rash

Nappy rash is a skin inflammation caused by prolonged contact of the baby’s skin with a diaper stained with stool or urine. It can also be caused by irritation from the detergent or soap used to wash cloth diapers or when washable diapers are badly rinsed, or from a substance in the disposable diapers of some brands.

Most dermatology clinic London has also linked the cause of Nappy rash to diarrhoea. However, this has little consequences. The most common reasons for nappy rash is bad hygiene. Even when the layers chosen are very efficient, you still have heat and moisture, which can aggravate the inflammation.

Nappy rash occurs most often in babies during their first year of life, most often between 7 and 12 months of age. However, there are periods when babies become inclined to Nappy rash. The risk of occurrence is slightly higher in babies suffering from diarrhoea or pierced teeth.

Since Nappy Rash is uncomfortable and painful at the same time, it is important to safeguard the health of your baby by seeking for a quick solution. Fortunately, ClearSkin London has all the answers as well as the right treatment methods to cure your child in a few days.

Simply book an appointment online, and one of our experts will be on hand to attend to you on the appointed day.