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Treatment of Cellulitis

Prompt treatment is important if you have been diagnosed with cellulitis, it prevents aggravation of this condition and also prevents serious complications like severe pain and blood poisoning.

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to cellulitis patients, this is taken orally, and they are of many types. Most people take this antibiotic for 7 to 14 days while those with weak immunity might take them for a long time.

The antibiotic won’t kill all the bacteria if you stop taking it early; this can make you sick again – take all your medications according to the doctor’s prescription to hasten the treatment process. More than one type of antibiotic is given to some people.

Sometimes the antibiotic is given intravenously when this is necessary, hospitalisation is prescribed, and this is done to treat severe cellulitis or cellulitis that appears on the face.

Most times, the hospitalisation occurs over a week.

Wound care is also an important part of cellulitis treatment; this will cover the skin and hasten the process. You will even be taught how to do it yourself, especially if you need special wound care and dressing.

You need proper rest and sleep to heal your body and prevent this infection from becoming worse. Also, keep your leg elevated if you have cellulitis on your leg. This will help your leg heal and reduce the swelling.

Treatment might also be done for an underlying medical condition like athlete’s foot, which can increase the risks of cellulitis. The bacterium was able to get into your skin because you had a skin problem.

Treating this problem will also heal this infection and prevent reoccurrence. When treatment starts, the symptoms will start to diminish; you will see less warmth, pain, swelling, and redness.

Cellulitis usually clears off with treatment, but there is still a higher risk of it reoccurring. Several approaches can be taken to prevent recurrence of this skin condition

How to Prevent Cellulitis  From Returning

The following tips below can help reduce the risks of reoccurrence:

  • Avoid Skin Injuries: Avoid injuries to your skin because it makes it possible for bacteria to get into your skin. Skin injuries like frostbite, cuts, abrasions, scrapes, insect stings, burns, and sunburns can open your skin and let bacteria in.

Be careful during sports and outdoor activities like gardening, cooking or exercise.

  • Treat Wounds Promptly: Prompt treatment of wounds prevents the entry of bacteria into the body, when you have an injury, immediately wash it with soap and water and apply an antiseptic or antibiotic ointment.

Cover the wound using a bandage, this wound should be cleaned daily, and the bandage should also be changed daily. Do this until the wound heals.

  • Your Skin Should be Clean and Moisturised: Proper hygiene keeps your skin clean and free of bacteria, moisturising helps keep your skin hydrated, thereby preventing cracking, which can let in bacteria.
  • Apply a moisturiser within three minutes of having your bath. Also, apply it to your hands frequently throughout the day to fight skin dryness.
  • Keep your Nails Short and Well-manicured: Your nails should be well-trimmed to prevent self-inflicted scratches and wounds. Avoid wounding the surrounding skin when cutting your nails.
  • If you had cellulitis in one arm, ask that blood be drawn from the other arm that did not have cellulitis.
  • Prompt Treatment: Infections like athlete’s foot, impetigo, and others that lead to cellulitis should be treated promptly. Signs of infections are blisters, sores, and a red and swollen skin.

Signs of athlete’s foot are dry and itchy skin between your toes.

  • Treat underlying Medical Problems: Promptly treat medical conditions that increase the risks of having cellulitis. Work together with your doctor to help you manage conditions like leg ulcer, diabetes, periphery artery disease, or eczema. This will greatly reduce your risks of having cellulitis.
  • Treat Lymphedema: This condition is characterised by the excessive build-up of fluid in the body; this can cause swelling around your arm or leg. This disease has the highest risk of cellulitis, and there is no cure for it.

However, it can be treated with drainage, elevation, compression bandages, and exercise.

  • Make Lifestyle Changes: If you are overweight, try and shed some pounds to reduce your risks of cellulitis because research shows obese or overweight people are at risk of having this infection.

Quit smoking if you do, it can help reduce your risk of cellulitis; current research also proves that excessive drinking increases your risk of cellulitis. Quit drinking, or you drink in moderation.

  • Check your feet daily to see if you have an infection or injury.

How to Reduce Cellulitis Flares

Daily intake of antibiotics can reduce repeated flares of cellulitis, this treatment is usually recommended for patients who have had cellulitis more than three times in a year, and the antibiotics are given in low doses.

What was diagnosed as cellulitis might be another skin condition if you continue having cellulitis despite treatment with an antibiotic. Contact our dermatologist London to examine you and diagnose if it is cellulitis or another skin condition.

If you have another skin condition, prompt treatment would be advisable to prevent it from escalating. Make sure you work closely with the dermatologist so that you can get help and the right treatment needed to help treat this medical condition.

Clear Skin Clinic has an expert team of dermatologist who are well trained and experienced to handle all kinds of cases.

Professionals will do all the diagnosis and treatment, so you don’t have to worry. You are free to contact us or visit us. We also offer expert advice and work closely with our patients to give them the best treatment suitable for their unique case.

Are you pondering on a suitable treatment procedure? Look no further as our dermatologist London will guide you in choosing a suitable treatment option. Call us now on 020 71833648. We cant wait to be of help!