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What are the causes of keratosis pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is caused by the build of keratin. Keratin is a protein in the body that is responsible for protecting the skin from infections and other harmful skin diseases. Keratosis pilaris is caused by the build-up of this keratin in the skin.

The build-up of this keratin causes plugs that block the opening of hair follicles in the skin, thereby causing a bump. The causes of why there is a build-up of this keratin in the skin have not yet been discovered by doctors.Those with dry skin are prone to have this skin condition. The skin condition usually gets worse during cold seasons such as the winter season because of the little amount of moisture in the air.

Keratosis pilaris can also affect those with other skin condition such as eczema. A dermatologist can detect keratosis by just examining the skin not necessarily doing a series of tests.

What increases the risk of getting keratosis pilaris?

You are more likely to have keratosis pilaris if you have a very close relative who has the same skin condition.

  • Dry skin
  • Asthma
  • Excessive weight gain
  • IchthyosisVulgaris
  • Hay fever
  • Treating melanoma with vemurafenib
  • Eczema

Note: keratosis pilaris is notcontagious. Keratosis is gotten when dead skin cells block the pores of hair follicles in the skin.