When a mole becomes suspicious
Normally, a mole on the body is no cause for worry, but when there are changes noticed in the moles, then you should seek medical help and advice. Clear skin London is a dermatology clinic, with a team of well qualified and experienced dermatologists London that will attend to your complaints in no time.
When you notice any of the following changes in your moles, do not hesitate to call us for help.
- A mole that is bleeding
- A mole that is changing in appearance, unlike before
- A mole that is itching
Types of mole
There are different types of moles, and some mole types increase your chances of having melanoma. If possible, you should consult a dermatologist as often as possible if you have any of these types of mole. Some distinct type of moles that are closely associated with melanoma include
- Congenital mole
Congenital mole is a type of mole that a person is born with. About 1% of the world’s population have a congenital mole. These moles are of different sizes, according to different people. The large size of congenital mole increases your chances of having melanoma.
- Acquired mole
Acquired mole is a mole that appears after a person is born. They are called common moles and is common in light-skinned people. The greater the number of the moles, the higher the risk of you having melanoma.
- Spitz nevus
This type of mole already looks like melanoma. Even to the point that a dermatologist cannot tell by just looking at it. To be sure, your dermatologist has to conduct a skin biopsy, to be sure it is not melanoma. Spitz nevi are mostly pink; they can be raised or may be dome-shaped. They may often bleed or can have an opening that oozes. Melanoma can also develop from the Spitz nevus as well, so it would be important to report any changes you notice, to our dermatologist London for proper examination.
- Atypical mole
This is the most likely mole to develop into melanoma. People who have it should always be on the lookout for changes in the mole. Atypical moles often have the following characteristics;
- Size of the mole is usually bigger than an eraser at the end of a pencil
- It is unevenly shaped
- It usually has more that one colour
Atypical mole increases your chances of having melanoma with the following situations
- There are more than 4 atypical moles or more
- You have already had melanoma
- A close family member has or had melanoma
Our dermatologist London can help you confirm if your mole has developed into melanoma. Clear skin London is a dermatology clinic that will help you put your mind at ease when it comes to melanoma. Call us right away!
Signs and symptoms of moles
Moles are not defects, but sometimes people have a hard time differentiating between a mole and melanoma. To know this, one needs to know the features of moles and the characteristics of melanoma.
Features of a mole
Moles on the body usually have the following features
- Round shape
- Flat or raised tip
- Constant, unchanging look
- It can be colourless, red, pink, blue, tan or black
Characteristics of melanoma
Melanoma is characterised by an acronym. It is known as the ABCDEs of melanoma, and check character stands to signify a particular trait.
A – Asymmetry
In melanoma, one part or half of the mole is different from the other half
B – Border
An uneven, or irregular edge of the mole
C – Colour
Normal moles have a distinct colour, whereas melanoma has streaks of course in them.
D – Diameter
Melanoma is greater than 6mm in diameter, although in some cases, they can be smaller.
E – Evolving
While moles remain constant in a particular shape, melanoma constantly changes over time. It can be in size, shape and colour.
If any of these sympthoms seem familiar, you shouldn’t hesitate to buzz our telephone line on 020 71833648 to get examined and treated if need be.