Suite G, 117A Harley St, Marylebone, London W1G 6AT, UK

Mon to Fri - 09AM to 06PM
Sat and Sun - 10AM to 02PM
alopecia-areata alopecia-areata

call 020 71833648 BOOK NOW


Dermatologists in London recommend the following tips for patients of alopecia areata:

  • Managing your looks with hair loss: you can help yourself if you are feeling embarrassed by the way your hair loss makes you look by styling your hair to cover the bald spot, shaving your head, wearing a wig or cap or using makeups to cover the missing brows.
  • Finding help: if you are finding it difficult to deal with the emotional aspect of this disease, you may want to join a support group.


Our dermatology clinic London can diagnose and treat alopecia areata so if you realise you are losing hairs, you can book an appointment with us by calling us on 020 71833648 and visiting us at First Floor, 117A Harley St, Marylebone, London W1G 6AT, UK. We can’t wait to see you.